Earth Hour 2008- Three Weeks and Counting

Energy conservation is on nearly everyone’s mind these days, and people are looking for ways to make a statement about their commitment to the environment.  With just three weeks left until Earth Hour 08, 8-9 pm on March 29, a wide array of companies, cities and other organizations from around the world have signed on to participate by turning off their lights for one hour.  This worldwide event, which grew out of a local event in Sydney Australia last year, is sponsored by WWF, the World Wildlife Fund.

Sponsoring companies include:

  • Hewlett-Packard (official Earth Hour technology partner)
  • National Geographic Channel (official U.S. media partner)

Participating US cities include:

  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Phoenix, Arizona
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • San Francisco, California
  • Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Northbrook, Illinois
  • Denver, Colorado

and International locations are numerous.

To find out more, go to the Earth Hour web site and sign up.   Sign up, participate and organize to help raise awareness of energy-related environmental issues.

  1. Thank you, Jim. I have marked my calendar. I will join.

  2. I just registered for this and marked it on my calendar! Thanks for letting us all know!

  3. Hi Jim,

    I have just become the editor of for the category of

    Do you know


  4. Steven: That’s great, congratulations. I don’t know of it. I have recently joined where I’ve had some interesting discussion already. Do you want to submit a guest article on for this site? It could be brief (or any length). Jim

  5. Steven: I should add that I did receive your prior email about dmoz but hadn’t had time to follow up on it yet.

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