New York City First With Electronics Recycling Law

As reported by Environmental News Service and noted on DIGG by carbonneutral and rhedhed, the “New York City Council passed legislation Wednesday that makes New York the first major municipality in the nation to tackle the rising tide of discarded electronics in the waste stream. Manufacturers of computers, TVs and MP3 players will have to take responsibility for the collection of their own electronic products.”

This is an important step and will help the city deal with with huge amount of discarded electronics it sees every year while preventing much of the current pollution of landfill sites.  We need to avoid circumstances like those found in China, where illegal electronics recycling is causing far more harm than good.

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  1. josephine delgado

    This article should be made public so all other states can proceed with this recycling law. thank you josephine delgado

  2. Josephine, thanks for the feedback and suggestion. I certainly agree with you. Best wishes, Jim

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